Parking in Akureyri

Akureyri Parking Fund owns and operates paid and unpaid parking spaces for the public in the town center and elsewhere in the municipality of Akureyri.

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Image showing parking zones in central Akureyri


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Paid parking

Parking zones and charges

There are two parking zones in the center of Akureyri, P1 and P2. Charge for each hour is ISK 218 in parking zone P1 and ISK 109 in parking zone P2. The charging hours are the same in both parking zones, Monday-Friday 10:00 - 16:00.

Temporary parking zones: Within parking zone P1 and P2, there are marked areas, parallel to streets, where the maximum parking time is 2 hours. These temporary parking zones are marked with street signs stating the maximum time. See image above on the page.

Pay by mobile app or on-line

The easiest way to pay for parking is by mobile app. There are three companies offering such services in Akureyri.

Also payable with the “Pay for parking” button at top of this page.


This app can be used in all paid parking zones in Akureyri by registering the car and choosing the right parking zone when parking.

You choose the time you expect to be parked but you can stop the parking time earlier than intended, or extend your time in the parking space, through the app.

For more information, visit their website

 Service fees according to EasyPark's price list


This app can be used in all parking zones in Akureyri by registering the car and choosing the right parking zone when parking and registering out when driving away.

For more information, visit their website

Service fees according to Parka's price list


This app can be used in all parking zones in Akureyri by registering the car and choosing the right parking zone when parking and registering out when driving away.

For more information, visit their website

No service fees.


Company service

Both EasyPark and Parka offer services for companies that want to pay for their employees’ parking. See further information on these websites below, where you can also send questions about the services.

Pay stations - instructions

Three pay stations are located in the center of Akureyri, two at Skipagata and one at Túngata.  Parking zones P1 and P2 (all day and 2-hour zones) can be paid for in all three pay stations. See further instructions.

Parking card for people with reduced mobility

Picture of a parking card for people with reduced mobility

A parking card for people with disability that leads to reduced mobility authorizes its holder to park in a marked parking space for people with reduced mobility and to park in a paid parking zone free of charge. It is important that the parking card is always visible in the windscreen of the vehicle. The card shall be placed inside the windscreen so that the validity period on the front of the card is clearly visible from the outside.

The district commissioner’s office issues parking cards for people with reduced mobility. Applicants must complete the application and submit it together with a medical certificate and a passport photo. The district commissioner assesses the application for a parking card and issues the card if the conditions of the regulation on the issuance of parking cards for people with reduced mobility no. 1130/2016 are fulfilled. Forms are available on the website (in Icelandic).

Please note that the cards are issued for a maximum of five years at a time. The cards are issued to an individual and not a car number.

Green parking and electric charging station

Green parking spaces and electric charging stations are parking spaces for cars that run only on environmentally friendly energy sources, such as electricity, hydrogen or methane. These vehicles may park in green parking spaces marked with a special sign. If green parking spaces are located within a paid parking zone, they are chargeable.

Electric charging stations within a paid parking zone are also chargeable. In general, a car must not be parked in an electric charging station for longer than it takes to fully charge the car.

Parking Violations Fines

There are two types of parking violation charges. The first is the extra parking fines that are imposed on vehicles if the use of paid parking space has not been paid for or has been paid for too short a time. The other is parking violation fines that are imposed on vehicles that are parked illegally according to traffic regulations offenses.

Extra parking fines

This fine (commonly referred to as parking ticket) is ISK 3,090. If paid within three working days from the issue date, a 33% discount applies and the amount is ISK 2,071. If the fine is not paid 14 days after the issue date, it goes up by 50%, from ISK 3,090 to ISK 4,635.

Parking violation fines

A parking violation fine is imposed on a car when it is stopped or parked in a marked no parking zone, stopped on the sidewalk, parked on the left side of the street (facing against the direction of traffic) or in other circumstances, according to Article 109 of the Traffic laws no. 77/2019. The fine is now ISK 20,000, but after deducting a 33% discount (if paid within three working days from the issue date), it is ISK 13,400. If the fee is not paid 14 days after the issue date, it increases by 50% to ISK 30,000.

How to pay a fine

A bank claim is created at car owner’s online bank a few minutes after a fine has been issued. If the driver is not the owner of the vehicle (i.e. a rental car or a company car) the fine can be paid on-line with the “Pay a parking fine” button at top of this page.

Parking violation descriptions

Click here to see more information about the description of parking violations.

Justification and appeal

A party may request justification for the decision of an imposition of a fine. A request for justification shall be submitted within 14 days from issue date of the fine. The request will be replied to within 14 days of receipt.

A party has the right to request an appeal within 28 days from the date of the imposition. The general processing time is one to two weeks. Click here for the appeal form.

Residential Parking Permits

Resident cards

Residents living within a defined area (see map of resident areas), who do not have access to parking within the plot or cannot easily make one, can obtain a resident card. The card authorizes them to park their car in specified parking spaces within the resident area where the card is valid. A tenant with a registered domicile and a student who presents confirmation from a school, and live in an apartment in the area, can obtain a resident card by presenting a registered lease agreement.

Only one card can be issued for each apartment and a single car number is registered on each card.

Application for a resident card

An application form can be found in the service portal at Akureyri website. It is an electronic card, no need for any paper card or marking on the vehicle. Plate numbers will be looked up in an electronic database.

If you need to change the car number on the card, you must fill out another application form in the service portal.

Validity of resident cards

Resident cards are valid for one year at a time and are automatically renewed with homeowners and tenants with a long-term lease. For tenants, the card is valid until the end of the rental period, if the rental period is shorter than one year.

The holder of a resident card must notify Akureyri municipality  if the conditions for issuing the resident card are no longer met due to changed circumstances, such as change in registered domicile, sale of a vehicle or other similar events. Such notification must be sent on a form in the service portal. Termination takes effect the next working day after it has been submitted at the service portal. The fee for a resident card is not reimbursed in full or in part when canceled.

Resident card charge

The fee for issuing an electronic resident card is now ISK 6,540 per year. The fee is the same if the validity of the resident card is shorter than one year

Monthly parking permit cards

Parking permit cards

A monthly parking permit card gives its holder permission to park in defined chargeable parking areas, marked F1 or F2 on map. Parking spaces within the parking area are not specially marked for card holders.

Application for a parking permit card

An application form can be found in the service portal at Akureyri website. It is an electronic card, no need for any paper card or marking on the vehicle. Plate numbers will be looked up in an electronic database.

Termination of a parking permit card must be sent on a form in the service portal. Termination will take effect at the end of the month when it has been submitted.

Validity of parking permit cards

A parking permit card takes effect the next working day, after a claim for it has been paid in an online bank. The card is renewed monthly until it has been canceled by the cardholder. If the monthly fee is not paid on the due date, the card expires. A card number may be assigned to another party if the claim is still unpaid 10 days after the due date.

Charge for parking permit cards

The fee for parking permit cards is decided by the town council. Two rental areas are available. In area F1 at Skipagata and Hofsbót, the fee is now ISK 13,080 per month. In area F2 at Túngata, the fee is now ISK 6,540 per month.

Last updated 17. September 2024