Grants and subsidies

Sport and leisure subsidies for children

Akureyri municipality offers Sport and Leisure Subsidies (information in Icelandic) for children aged 6 - 17 years.

For information regarding sports and leisure activities for children and adults, click here.

Cultural Fund

The application for the Cultural fund ( Menningarsjóður ) is advertised by Akureyri municipality at the beginning of each year. Inquiries regarding the Cultural Fund should be sent to the manager of cultural affairs, Almar Alfreðsson.

The subsidy is granted by Akureyri municipality.

Cultural grants in Iceland and the Nordic countries

The Northeast Iceland Regional Development Agency (SSNE) has a long list of cultural grants, both domestic and Nordic (in Icelandic).

Community Project Grant

Norðurorka offers grants for Community Projects ( Samfélagsstyrkur ) (in Icelandic).

Community and Cultural Project Grant

KEA offers grants for Community and Cultural Projects. (in Icelandic)
Apply for KEA's grants here. (in Icelandic)

Development Grant

The Northeast Iceland Regional Development Agency (SSNE) offers a Development grant ( Uppbyggingarsjóður ) (in Icelandic).

Development Fund for Immigrant Affairs

The Government of Iceland offers a Development Fund for Immigrant Affairs ( Þróunarsjóður Innflytjenda ).

Diverse other grants

has a long list of grants, mostly related to arts and culture 

Last updated 19. May 2022