Newcomers in Akureyri

The Multicultural Information Center has a lot of information and advice about moving til Iceland in general

Useful information for people moving to Akureyri regarding services and utilities may be found here. 

Things to know when moving to Akureyri

Useful information for people moving to Akureyri may be found here. 

When moving to Akureyri:

  • Put your name on your post-box to be sure of receiving post, including important letters.
  • Get IceKey (Íslykill)
  • Get electronic certificate (rafræn skilríki, site in Icelandic) which connects the verification data to the certificate holder and confirms who they are.
    *A passport or driving license issued in Iceland are required in order to apply for an electronic certificate.
  • Subscription Agreement for an individual, please visit your bank in Iceland for further information
  • Green AkureyriRecycling in Akureyri.
  • KEA card - (site in Icelandic) A discount and benefits card that gives members, upon presentation, discount terms with a number of partners (e.g. NETTÓ)

Further information for moving to Iceland:

 Immigrant rights and services

Interpreter services

Information regarding rights to interpretation in Iceland.

See a list of interpreters ( samfélagstúlkar ) in Akureyri by clicking here (in Icelandic).
*If you order an interpreter personally you have to pay for his/her services.

Legal counselling

Lögmenn Norðurlandi (Akureyri, in Icelandic)
Tryggingaréttur (Akureyri, in Icelandic)
PACTA (Akureyri, in Icelandic)
Icelandic Human Right Centre  (free of charge)
The Women's Counselling (free of charge)
The Althingi Ombudsman (the rights of the citizens vis-à-vis the authorities)

Last updated 14. June 2024