Youth Centers in Akureyri

About Félak

In Akureyri, there are six youth centers that all seven schools in the town have access to. All Félak employees work together towards a common goal and support all youths ages 10-16. The schools that are located outside of Akureyri receive services in the form of short courses, prevention education and guidance/counseling. Hríseyjarskóli and Hlíðarskóli are serviced on a regular basis, but Grímseyjarskóli as needed.

Youth centers are an important factor in the lives of children and young adults. They serve the crucial role of conducting leisure activities outside of regular school hours. The youth centers focus is on 5th – 10th grade offering clubs and open youth work.

A youth center is supposed to promote positive and meaningful communications amongst children and teenagers and stimulate their social development and democratic thinking. The youth centers activity is organized by the teenagers in cooperation with staff.

Félak offers variations of clubs and open youth work, so everyone should be able to find something that they like. It is important that the teenagers feel like they are welcome and that they are spoken to like equals. The youth centers also play a preventional role, both in organized preventional work and in communication through the open houses.

Félak personnel also do various other jobs, like personal counseling. Depending on the situation, either the teenager, parents, school staff or youth workers have the initiative of the personal counseling. The problems can vary, e.g., communication problems in school or at home, personal problems, drug abuse, gender orientation or mental distress. If applicable, social service is involved.

Last updated 11. May 2023