The dark is fun

The dark is fun is a panel exhibition about ghosts in Icelandic folklore by the folklorists Dagrún Ósk Jónsdóttir and Jón Jónsson, with illustrations by Sunneva Guðrún Þórðardóttir. At the exhibition you can learn about the various types of ghosts that appear in folklore in Iceland, sight is richer in history!

We are happy to announce that Dagrún Ósk, doctor of folklore from Háskóli Íslands and one of the authors of the exhibition, will visit the library on October 28 and teach us about Icelandic ghosts and the Halloween festival. She can then answer questions about the exhibition if you have any. Follow them on their Facebook page „Rannsóknasetur HÍ á Ströndum - Þjóðfræðistofa“.

We will be setting up a ghost and witch theme in the lobby to coincide with the exhibition. There will be books and other things to borrow, but there will also be a Lego haunted house set up for viewing!

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