Repairs and construction work in front of the library!

Dear patrons! In the next days/weeks (probably throughout the month of May) some construction work will be done at Brekkugata, by the parking places and sidewalk in front of and below the library. We therefore have to arrive to the library in a different way! Following text is a translation of a text from the organizer of the constructions:

The continuing construction will happen at Brekkugata this year and now the parking places and sidewalk in front of the library, along with the intersection of Oddeyrargata and Brekkugata, the included pictures shows an overview.

Sorry about a short notice but if weather and conditions allow, we'll start milling and paving the parking places in front of the library (marked with red on the picture).

We assume to fully start next week to remove and broaden the sidewalk in front, marked with lightblue, we would always do that in two parts and try to have at least one side opened while working.

It is a great thing to start preparing for not being able to park your car there throughout the month of May. The steps leading up to the library might also be unavailable during some period and then you should walk to the library from the southern side, where there are three parking places and two handicapped spots. Let's respect all markings.

We who use bikes won't feel a thing, and it is also always healthy to walk (if you're able), but we apologize for any inconvenience this might have for you.

If you have any questions, please contact us through email or via phone 460-1250.

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