Legal depository in the Municipal Library

Dear patrons! As you may know, the Municipal Library in Akureyri is a so-called legal depository library, which means that it must keep one copy of all printed material here in Iceland.

These items are not lent out. However, library visitors can browse through them inside the building, by presenting a library card (which many people have on their phones) or by filling out a special ticket that can be found at the reception desk.

Legal depository includes books, children's books, textbooks, audiobooks, magazines, yearbooks, annual reports, newsletters, television programs, glossy magazines, newspapers, regional newspapers, election papers, school papers, picture papers, neighborhood papers, reports, maps, posters and small print, e.g. brochures, advertisements, price lists, play catalogues, exhibition catalogues, concert catalogues, postcards, Christmas cards and playing cards.

Every year, the library receives a large amount of legal depository. Between 70-100 boxes per year. These legal depositories are distributed throughout the library's storage rooms, and a considerable part of them is stored in the library's basement.

On December 13 in 2023 an agreement was signed that the Ministry of Culture and Trade will give the municipality of Akureyri a 30 million ISK grant intended to support this role of the Municipal Library. The validity period of the agreement is 2023-2025, and according to it, the ministry pays 10 million ISK annually to the municipality of Akureyri for the legal depository role of the Municipal Library, a total of 30 million ISK.

Coming to the library is eventful, and the duties can truly be fun and educational. The facilities at the library are free for users and we are open every weekday 8:15 am - 7 pm (legal depository available 10:00-19:00) and Saturdays from 11 am to 4 pm.

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