(Answers!) Friday quiz 2023 no. 28 - Ten differences!

(Answers!) Dear quiz-loving patrons! - It is Friday for fun and Saturday for sweets ahead, along with a great weekend! Are you ready for some quiz?

It is two times bigger than usual because ... uh ... well, you see, there is no particular reason for it. The models on the picture are two great staff members here at the library, Aija and Hrönn, and the differences went on to be ten!

Yes, you heard it correctly! Ten differences! Double the fun this week.

What is going to happen on Friday the 13th (of October)??? Du du duuuhh!

Like always, the right answer will appear here after the weekend and you have to remember to look regularily at our Event calendar, follow us on the social media sites and remember that we'll have the library open on Saturdays throughout the winter (until May 15th, 2024)!

And yes ... remember to take care of the materials! Don't keep the books in a cold car all day while you're working, just keep them in the warmth and then return them. Cold and paper are not the greatest friends. Unless it's the book Cold ... du du duuuhhh!

Have a great weekend!

Two women in front of bookshelves, each holding a book


Picture with answers:




Two women, each holding a book

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