Books, snow and cold

Dear patrons! We don't have to say it because you already know it ... but still: Now that the snow is colouring our beautiful town in white, you should definitely remember that books and snow or books and cold are not the greatest friends!

If books get wet ... they're ruined. Even library holdings like magazines and DVDs have a hard time in the cold and wetness. And even though the parking lot is only 90 feet away from the main entrance, the snow/rain will get to the holdings if you don't keep them in a good bag (note: we're selling these beautiful multiused library bags!)

And if you're going to work and intend on coming to us after work, then please keep the books/material with you inside, because the cold inside the car does damage to the books/material as well.

Be kind to the library holdings because after all this is your library ... for us all.

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