A swap market for children’s sport and leisure equipment will be at the library from Thursday, September 14, until Saturday, September 16.
If you have any clothes or equipment that your child no longer uses, you can bring it to the library. Come to the market and you might find some things that fit your child and its current hobbies and sports.
Among the things that people can bring to the market are:
-Swimming goggles
- Gymnastics attire
-Clothing or other items with sports club labels
-Studded football shoes
- Gym shoes
- Shorts
- Swimwear
- Ice skates
- Wool clothes, to wear under ski clothes.
- Swimsuits
- Dance clothing
- etc.
You can also contact us at dagny.davidsdottir@amtsbok.is, hronnb@amtsbok.is or by phone 460-1256 (Dagný) if you have unwanted items or a stock of old club clothes that you would be interested in putting on the exchange market.