Friday quiz 2023 no. 26 - Who's the author? (answers!)

(Answers below!) Dear patrons and quizloving people! Yet another Friday is here and quiz no. 26!

This quiz originates from Australian shelves at a Greek philosopher in Denmark who ate French fries... or just: You are supposed to pair authors to book-titles.

The titles below are marked with numbers, the authors (who have been blurred on the book covers) are marked with letters.

Where does no. 1 fit? With a, b, c, d, e, f ... etc.

Right answers will come after the weekend and we are very certain about your 100% success!

Hopefully the weekend will be good for you. Tomorrow the first science workshop will take place (10 kids, between 1pm-3pm) and we're open between 11 am - 4 pm.

Wasn't it clear enough that
the winter opening hours here
have started already?
(8.15 am - 7 pm every weekday,
self service until 10 am. And then
we're open on Saturdays 11am-4pm)

1. Smáralindarmóri a. Heli Nikula
2. Kletturinn b. Sverrir Norland
3. Íslensk myndlist og fólkið sem ruddi brautina c. Jojo Moyes
4. Ullaræði d. Amos Tutuola
5. Lífið er kynlíf e. Tom Sharpe
6. Í hennar skóm f. Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir
7. Friðarsafnið g. Áslaug Kristjánsdóttir
8. Bókafárið mikla h. Lilja Magnúsdóttir
9. Pálmavínsdrykkjumaðurinn i. Iðunn Steinsdóttir
10. Handan blárra fjalla j. Margrét Tryggvadóttir


Ten book covers




Answers: 1f, 2b, 3j, 4a, 5g, 6c, 7h, 8e, 9d, 10i

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