Crime quiz today!!

Dear crime novel fans and patrons ... we remind you that the huge crime quiz will be held in many public libraries in Iceland at the same time today, 4.30 pm!

(Note: This will solely be in Icelandic!!)

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Icelandic Crime Society, they invite all crime story readers to take part in the so-called crime quiz, an exciting quiz written by the notorious Ævar Erni Jósepsson, the society's chairman. The competition will be held in many public libraries at the same time.

It is therefore time to look into old as well as new crime stories to recall the plots and creepy events that Icelandic authors have put together in their books, for the pleasure and delight of us readers.

Our Doddi will be in the role of crimequiz boss. Light refreshments will be served and the winner gets a prize!

The project Glæpafár in Iceland is funded by Bókasafnssjóður (Literary Fund)

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