
611 Grímsey
Phone: (+354) 461 3155

This is an indoor pool, which is not common as most pools in Iceland are outdoor pools. The reason is that there is no geothermal water in Grímsey, so the water for the pool is freshwater that has been heated, by re-using the heat from the heatingsystem for the houses in the island. The pool is 12.6 x 6 meters, and also has a "hot pot", showers and toilets.
No special facilities are available for disabled people.

All weekdays 17.00 -18.15
Closed weekends.
Also see annoncements in the local store.

Prices 2024:

Adults.........................................1.300 ISK.
Seniors (67 years and older)....... 330 ISK.
Children (6-17 years). ..................300 ISK.
For more info see here