In former times the cliffs along the coastline where important to the inhabitants as they were a major source of food supply. Each farm owned their part of the cliffs and could collect eggs and catch birds from that area. Some of the cliffs have been marked with their old names – on pillars close to them. The names are often related to the farm that owned them.
The cliffs on the east side of the island are highest ranging from 60 to 100 meters. Collecting eggs from the cliffs was a very dangerous task in those days, but an important source of food. When collecting eggs, the collector that hang in a strong rope, would be lowered, maybe 60 to 70 m down from the edge of the cliff. The rope was guarded by six or seven strong men on the top. The danger was mainly that a piece of rock could break off the cliff and fall on the collector or that the rope would break.
Today collecting of eggs is done by means of old methods but with assistance of e.g. a tractor. This is both an attraction on special occasions as well as means of food supply for the locals – though not in the same dimension as it used to be.